When we first started working with Texas Select, they didn't have a need for a communications platform. It was just the owner, Dylan, operating every stage of his business so there was no real need for a team messaging platform. As time went on, Dylan hinted at the idea of hiring a sales rep and it was evident that we were going to need to setup a place for the team to talk. I discussed with Dylan the options out there: Slack, Teams, and Discord. It was still early in the business's development and since Discord was 100% free and had the features we needed such as channels, roles, screen-share calling, and webhooks, we settled on the platform. Our team was able to spin up a Discord server for Texas Select nearly same-day. We implemented several different channels:
This channel only contains webhook messages for when a new lead comes into our CRM. So whenever someone submits a quote request on the website or calls the office and we insert the lead data into the system, this channel automatically receives the lead data. This is really helpful for the office admins to know when a new lead comes in so they can immediately call and book an appointment and it's also really helpful for the owner to keep a gauge on the lead flow for his business. We also have permissions set on this channel so that only office admins and the owner can see the new leads that come in -- it's invisible to the sales reps.
My favorite channel. This channel notifies the team whenever a new contract is signed. This is really great because it allows the team to celebrate each other's wins. There is nothing quite like getting the ping on your phone and you see a new deal has been won, everyone joins in and reacts to the message in celebration. Again, this is really great for you as the owner to know how each sales rep is doing in real time, you're always in the loop.
This channel is another great morale builder for the team. The whole team gets a notification when the business gets a 5 star review, affirming their hard work is noticed and appreciated.
This channel isn't fully automated and does take some minimal manual effort to put together. Every Monday morning, the owner sends me stats for his sales reps and I send out a webhook manually that contains a monthly report. It lets the sales reps know their target and their progress towards that target. It also lets the office know how they are doing in regards to booking appointments.
This is how we have everything set up for this particular client, but it's completely customizable. I would love to setup a similar system to improve your team communications for your fence business. If this is something you could see benefiting your fence business, book a call today or shoot me an email ([email protected]) and I'd love to discuss more.